Trimming Plants?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 4, 2004
Nova Scotia, Canada
I have a couple of java ferns... one of them has a little jave ern growing off one of it's leaves... I'm almost ready to take it off and "plant it". My question is this: some of the leaves (they came brown from the LFS) is it okay to trim the brown off, or just nip off the leaves that have heavy amounts of brown or decay on them without harm to the plant? I'd like to keep them looking as green as possible.
Nip away. They are tough and can get down right ugly when the leaves start to go south. I suggest that you take the entire leaf. It will look much nicer that way.

You can pull this as suggestged throw it in a cup of water and change the water daily and get some new plants out of the growth :)
You can pull this as suggestged throw it in a cup of water and change the water daily and get some new plants out of the growth

Very true, especially if you have a sunny window to put the cup of water in. It's amazing how an extremely cruddy looking JF leaf can generate new plants. Some times just 1 or 2, other times dozens of baby plants.
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