Trouble with Plants

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 20, 2011
First, I'm new to this forum, so I apologize if there's a sticky about this and I didn't notice.

My plants are dying in my 20g long tank. I have java ferns, vallisneria, and subalata.

I just replaced the Flora Bulb, added flora chem plant fertilizer tabs, and the nitrite/ate, ammonia, pH levels are alright in my tank (Nitrate is around 40-80ppg, though). I'm not sure what's going on. Any ideas?

Also, I had 3 dwarf gourami and I've gone through 3 siamese algae eaters, but they all died within a month. They were really healthy in the beginning, but then they just got sicker and sicker until they died. 2 of my pristella tetra's died yesterday, too. I'm just not sure what going on anymore.

Thanks for your help and advice!


1 Clown pleco
1 Dwarf Gourami
3 Panda Tetra
1 Pristella Tetra
Moved to Planted Tanks forum.

What kind of lighting do you have? How much wattage?

What is your weekly maintenance schedule like? What are the readings of your ammonia and nitrite, and also pH? How long has the tank been established?
I have a 20w flora glo hagen flourescent, 2800K color temperature.

I try to remember to check the water once a week, which it's readings are:
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 40ppg
pH: 7.8-8.0

I gravel-vac biweekly and I've had my tank established for 8 months or so.

It was doing fine for the first 3 months, then I took my fish home with me for Christmas and left the planted tank in my apartment with an automatic light switch. Ever since then, I've had troubles. Also, I just recently moved my tank back home for the summer, but my previous fish are all alright, my new pristella's died within 2 days after buying them.

Thank you for your help!

My first guess is lighting. 20w of florescent lighting at 2800k is not providing good usable light in the right spectrum even for low light plants. I would swap the bulb for something that is 6500-10000k. Establish a photoperiod of about 8 hours.

Are you adding any fertilizer? I think since the tank has been running for 8+ months, you would benefit from a potassium/micro mix like API leafzone or tetra florapride.

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