Tubing for CO2

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 25, 2008
I read that I need to use a CO2 safe tubing. Can I use the silicone ones? Any particular brands?
Welcome to Aquarium Advice! I think I read in another post that you're setting up a pressurized CO2 system. You need tubing that can handle the pressure and won't react with the CO2 like silicone tubing can. Here's what I use - the transparent green tubing:

Co2 Tanks Canisters Regulators and Paintball Tanks Homebrew Beer

Click on CO2 Tubing. At the bottom of the page it is sold by the foot.
might be a little more then your asking for but this is a great site for how well tubing stands up to co2 and other things.
Cole-Parmer Technical Library

oh and i wouldnt use silicone tubing since it can gas off co2 and break down.
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