Twin t5 on 72g bow to much light?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 22, 2009
So i am finnaly almost ready to get my 72g bowfront running and planted. Last thing is to get the lighting. Well i originally planned on a single 48" t5 Glo fixture but happend to sumble upon a deal for a twin 48" t5 glo fixture for $65 more than half the price of the single t5 i was planning on getting. So im woundering since a 72g bowfront is taller than a regualr 75g would it work ok. Im going for a planted tank that wont need co2 injection. Plan on using fertilizers and seachems flourish excel. So what im asking is will i need co2 with this lighting or can i get away without it and not have to worry about algae blooms. Any info or input would be appreciated.

mmmm it sounds like you might be in that area that straddles the fence. It could be ok if you keep up with excel dosings but then again the algae could be creeping up on you. If algae does become a problem, you could always switch out one of your T5 bulbs for a T5 actinic. Thats the same as using only one T5 bulb. Assuming you can deal with the bluish color.
i think you will be fine with it and it will be better for most plants. with plants and fertilizing you should expect an algae out break at least a couple of times until the tank stabilizes and you get the balance of nutrients worked out. don't blame the light at the first sign of algae though. i'd start with maybe 8-10 hours of light a day and adjust as needed.
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