Two Filters??

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2011
Cookeville, TN
So we just got moved into our new house and I got the fish tank set up last night. I have an Aqueon 36 gallon bowfront with matching stand and an aquaclear 70 for filtration. I am trying to figure out if I should get another AC 70 or if I should get a Fluval 205. The difference is about $45 between the two on Amazon. Which one do you all think I should get? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ryan_waite said:
So we just got moved into our new house and I got the fish tank set up last night. I have an Aqueon 36 gallon bowfront with matching stand and an aquaclear 70 for filtration. I am trying to figure out if I should get another AC 70 or if I should get a Fluval 205. The difference is about $45 between the two on Amazon. Which one do you all think I should get? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have always thought having two filters is always better! I have an aquaclear 30 on my ten gallon tank. I really like the aquaclears. They are reliable and last a long time. Is the fluval 205 a canister filter? If it is, I would get it. I would rather have the filtration system hidden in a cabinet under the tank, where no one can see it. Can you put the specs of the fluval 205 so we can compare? I know the aquaclear 70 has a flow rate of 200 gph and has three stages.
Yes it was a canister...but I got impatient waiting on responses and just ordered another ac 70 :)
Ryan_waite said:
Yes it was a canister...but I got impatient waiting on responses and just ordered another ac 70 :)

Ok. Either option is good!.
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