Type of Water to Start a Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 7, 2010
I am starting a new 46 gallon Bowfront reef aquarium and was wondering what water would be best to start it. I will be getting a RO filter in the near future but need a alternative until then. Should I use distilled jug water or water out of the machine at Publix? Any advice would help. Thanks.
My local grocery store has a RO machine you can use to buy bulk water. Thats probably what I'd use if I was in your situation.

I would like to use distilled water if anyone has had good results with that. Thanks for your input. I will be sure to consider it when making my final decision.

One more question: When using distilled water, is it necessary to add a chlorine remover or is the water already pure enough? Thanks.
It it were me, and assuming you'll be cycling the tank with all kinda dead decaying stuff, I'd likely use tap to start. Once the cycle is complete and you start doing water changes, I'd use better water, likely RO at minimum. Since you're doing a reef aquarium, now is the time to start researching and planning to buy an RO/DI filter. That way, by the time you finish cycling and begin to do water changes, your RO/DI will be in hand and useful then.
I would disagree. You're going to have to dilute out whatever contaminants remain (and get absorbed into the LR and substrate) after your cycle. Plus, the cycle start is the time when algae can grab hold, silicates and nitrates in tap water can cause this to become a real problem. RO water at the store isn't that expensive, 37 cents/gal @ wal-mart and 39 cents/gal at grocery store (Culligan water). I have 5 gallon Home Depot buckets that I use. I can fill up on 40 gallons is 20 minutes (and yes, I've done that, twice in a day one time).

An extra couple hours on initial setup can save you days of hassle from using tap water. Start it right, that's my advice.
Once my rock cured i did about a 75% water change and never had a prob with anything, but to be 100% honest if i were to do again i would prob us ro/di (considering i own a unit)
Thanks everyone for your input!! I think that I will be using RO water form the store thanks to Floyd R Turbo's great response. If anyone has any other tips for me regarding water or whatever else I would be more than happy to hear them. Look out for my new thread documenting my new tank. Thanks.
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