underrated fish?

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Amano shrimp, they might not be beautiful on the eye but they help out with keeping my community tank in pristine condition, feels like Im working hand in hand with them keeping my tank clean.
Clownfish. Everyone wants one because it's Nemo! But few people want them because they are gorgeous fish. JMHO
Also, guppies.Yes, guppies. Again, it's the "They are super easy and will breed if you get a male and female" pitch that makes everyone want them, except for the select few who consider them gorgeous, stunning fish.
In freshwater especially I think there are a lot of fish that are overlooked because they don't color up well in dealer's tanks. I lump a LOT of barbs and rainbowfish here and several species of tetras.
Interesting choice. I've caught thousands of these over the years and have used many for bait. They do have some pretty color in them and a temperament similar to freshwater cichlid or centrarchid.

My little pinfish is silver with bright yellow tips and dull yellow strips on his body. He is very smart knows when feeding time is and likes to show off for food and he knows how to taunt my cat which is GREAT!. He will swim close to the glass and sit there till he gets the cats attention then just stares at the cat till the cat jumps for the tanks and smacks the stand in a epic fail and the fish swims off with a smile on his face i swear :ROFLMAO: I aint a cat person its my girls so she says i am being mean to her cat and of course my response is its the fishes fault the cat is dumb.
Rutrag said:
In freshwater especially I think there are a lot of fish that are overlooked because they don't color up well in dealer's tanks. I lump a LOT of barbs and rainbowfish here and several species of tetras.

Agreed. Some of these fish look great at home.
My little pinfish is silver with bright yellow tips and dull yellow strips on his body. He is very smart knows when feeding time is and likes to show off for food and he knows how to taunt my cat which is GREAT!. He will swim close to the glass and sit there till he gets the cats attention then just stares at the cat till the cat jumps for the tanks and smacks the stand in a epic fail and the fish swims off with a smile on his face i swear :ROFLMAO: I aint a cat person its my girls so she says i am being mean to her cat and of course my response is its the fishes fault the cat is dumb.

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