Aquarium Advice Activist
My male black swordtail is looking really unhealthy right now and I really don't know how to take care of this situation. I've had him for I think atleast 3 and 1/2 weeks or more
I don't think it's Ich.
I have obsereved discolouration and rapid breathing as well as lethargic behaviour and less eating, and more hiding
my tank is 20g.... and still developing bacteria, i believe it is about the 3rd or 4th week.
ive been feeding them flake food but have recently picked up frozen blood worms...
I have 4 swordtails, 2 gouramis, 1 ghost knife(ill see if i can handle him), bushynose pleco(1 inch?), and 2 flower shrimps
(it seems a lot but I feel that I can handle it. I moved this quick due to peer pressure from my siblings, it is as much theirs as it is mine... and
i mostly never get the say because im not the majority)
I currently only have an ammonia test kit which showed 0.5ppm i believe
( It is most likely detoxified cause I put seachem prime ><
and test strips for nitrate and nitrite(big mistake) which seemed to be in a safe level...
I water change twice a week but now am planning to water change even more due to the population of my tank. and I use seachem prime for detoxifying ammonia
in need of information and assistance...
I don't think it's Ich.
I have obsereved discolouration and rapid breathing as well as lethargic behaviour and less eating, and more hiding
my tank is 20g.... and still developing bacteria, i believe it is about the 3rd or 4th week.
ive been feeding them flake food but have recently picked up frozen blood worms...
I have 4 swordtails, 2 gouramis, 1 ghost knife(ill see if i can handle him), bushynose pleco(1 inch?), and 2 flower shrimps
(it seems a lot but I feel that I can handle it. I moved this quick due to peer pressure from my siblings, it is as much theirs as it is mine... and
i mostly never get the say because im not the majority)
I currently only have an ammonia test kit which showed 0.5ppm i believe
( It is most likely detoxified cause I put seachem prime ><
and test strips for nitrate and nitrite(big mistake) which seemed to be in a safe level...
I water change twice a week but now am planning to water change even more due to the population of my tank. and I use seachem prime for detoxifying ammonia

in need of information and assistance...