Unseen killer?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 20, 2011
Ok, i'm getting a little flustered lately, as in my 30g tank I have lost 5 fish within the past month, two mollys and three platys.
The stock list was as follows; three mollys, five platys, three guppies and and a school of neon tetras (6).
The parameters are as follows: ph-8.2, nitrite-0, nitrate .5, ammonia 0. I've increased the temp to 82 gradually, but every time I think I've stabilized the tank, another falls sick and dies. What makes it worse is I can't see any defects or abnormalities until it's too late. I've noticed the fish getting listless and lying at the bottom, but by then, quarantine and salt bath does no good.
The fish look active and have an appetite until they are lying at the bottom. There is no VISIBLE signs of disease or parasite, but I have noticed with the last one that died that the stomach looks sunken in and the operculum-gill glaps-do seem to be spread larger than normal...for example, if you observe the fish face-on, it looks like the gill flaps are out like wings.
Lastly, the sunken middle body seems to be accompanied by a slightly hunched over appearance.
Any help is highly appreciated, i'm out of ideas and I've been changing water like crazy.
Anyone? Could it be a parasite?

The hunched back makes me think of Neon Tetra disease or scoliosis, but the back was never bent to that extreme.
I always have trouble resisting the urge to buy fish but I think this tank seem over stocked.
I checked into it, but the symptoms didn't match for false neon tetra disease.

Respectfully, overstocking is minimal concern if you're doubled up on filters and willing to do the water changes to keep up. Also, overstocking wouldn't explain why I lost another fish last night when there's only 6 left
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