Use of antibacterials in a tank that isn't fully cycled yet?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 11, 2007
Winchester, Tennessee
Looking for any input here, please.....

I've been a semi-regular over in the "Getting Started" area, set up a tank, didn't have it cycled, put in the fish.....and then went to school with much help.

Some background:
I have two spiny eels (three-spots) in this 20 gal tank @ 78F. I've lost two others already, and don't want to lose any more. The prevous two were healthy visually/behaviorially for two/three weeks, but then started showing light colored/greyish patches, roughly 1/4 inch across. Usually only one of these spots on the whole eel. The first one died within 3 days of first sighting. My AA forum assists suggested that it sounded like fungus, I tried some anti-fungals, didn't work. Second eel died the same way, about a week later, but this time the anti-fungals went in sooner.

Now another one is exhibiting a lightish patch on one side, an inch or two aft of the gills, and I don't want to lose him/her. If anti-fungal meds didn't work for the other two, I don't see any reason to waste my time with them now, right? But here's the catch: I'm nearly cycled on this tank - finally.

Latest water test (12 hours since most recent 40% water change):
ammonia: 0.75ppm
nitirite: 1.0 ppm
nitrate: 15 ppm

I've been told that I am finally within a week or two of everything coming into balance - after 6 weeks of twice daily water changes....... - and I don't want to set that back, if I don't have to.

Now here's the question:
If the anti-fungals can't help my eels, is it reasonable to try some anti-bacterials? Like Melafix, for example? Can they potentially help my eels? Are they going to wreck my cycle progression?

Any suggestions very much appreciated.
You might have run into some issues using certain meds on scaleless fish. I don't know what you used, but did you read beforehand to see if there are any warnings about treating scaleless fish?

Can you get a picture of what you are talking about? I can't really imagine anything that looks like that. If I had to guess, I'd say some sort of columnaris and an antibacterial med would work. Start off with something like tetracycline (read the package re: scaless fish first) as it has been less known to mess with water chemistry.

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