Using Aquarium water for Betta?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2006
I have a betta in a seperate bowl and since I figure I have to do water changes from the water aquarium anyway, could I not use the filterd water for the betta? I mean if he's only going to sit in it for 5 - 7 days tops would it not be better then regular tap water?

Figure'd I'd double check before I do it.

Thanks in advance!
Fresh, dechlorinated tap water is better. Using old aquarium water wouldn't be any help at all unless it was considerably lower in nitrates than the betta bowl water. Even then, why not just use fresh?
Hmm. Good point. I don't really know, in my mind I picture tap water going through the aquarium filter and being "cleaned" making it better for the fish as apose to regular tap water.

You can tell I'm a ubber noob eh? :)

I'm still learning and this past 6 days is the first 6 days I've ever had fish so I'm trying to research as much as I can.
No problem with being a newbie IMO, we all were at one time. I agree though, fresh dechlorinated water is better than used tank water from another tank.
An aquarium filter is different than an RO/DI filter that you would put on your tap. An aquarium filter is designed only to take out particles of waste, and provide a place for biological filtration to happen; that is, the breakdown of ammonia into less toxic nitrate. To actually "clean" tap water, you need a reverse osmosis filter that attaches to your actual tap. That will give you water that has been stripped of almost everything, basically giving you "neutral" water. You can also buy this water at the store.
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