Vacation Feeder

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 12, 2016
I don't like using those weekend or week "cake" feeders, I find they can foul the water. Ordered this automatic Feeder thru Amazon. We cut a piece of plexiglass to fit over the aquarium opening and cut a hole in it to accommodate the Feeder without making more permanent holes in the cover.

It takes some tweaking to adjust the opening for your flake or pellet amounts. Make adjustments over a plate or cardboard to avoid overfeeding your fish while you determine that. The Feeder can be set for multiple feeds during the day if desired.1482494896307.jpg1482494904423.jpg1482494910119.jpg
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Nice photos! I use the pellets as find these give a more consistent drop amount. But haven't checked for a bit, you're using either?
Pellets I got were too small, and the fish didn't seem to like them anyway. Using their usual flakes. A bit more than I like fall out so just setting a once a day rotation.
These vacation feeders are cool. With lights on a timer, I set the feeder to feed twice an hour after the lights come on, then once more an hour before the lights go off. I get real small pellet and mix it with flake... it seems to keep the feeding opening from clogging up. The Pitcus cats will surely get any missed sinking pellets.

I fully agree to stay away from vacation feeder blocks, unless you like doing really big water changes when you get back from vacation. Toilet water in cube form.
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I should look around again and see what is out there for feeders. The one I bought 4 years ago or so was the only option of two and after searching through 5 fish shops.
Haven't used these, think I got one from someone in a big box of fish stuff I bought. BUT mostly fish do not need extra food if they are adults for a week away from home. Depends upon whether they are aggressive fish too, they can need more food so they don't eat each other :eek:

As a alternative to over feeding pet sitters this type of feeder might be a better option. Both times I have had the worst situations when friends /kids teenager friends came to feed. Talk about a soup!

Now I use a different method to help my family know how to feed. lol. For trips away for more than a week I think this is a great option!

Edit: Meesh - the using a plexi to accomodate is a great solution!!!
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