Very sick fish in need of help!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 21, 2012
Ok here it goes. My friend is pretty new to the hobby and I've been helping him learn the ropes anyway he noticed that his temp had dipped down to 72 degrees. He then decided to crank the heater all the way up and then leave his house for two days. When he got back he noticed the water was at 95 degrees!!!!! Any how the temp is back to normal most of the fish are ok so far but this poor fire eel is so sick here's a pic what should I do for him?


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Looks like mouth and tail rot. Melafix should help. It couldn't hurt, it is an immune system booster, - is he eating ?
Not sure I only saw him for Like a min at my buddy's house I did add some melafix to the water though but he seems blind now
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