vietnamese freshwater eel????

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 18, 2006
baltimore, md
i bought an eel-like fish yesterday, and was told that it was from vietnam. the guy couldn't tell me the name of it, and i've never seen it before. unfortunatly, i can't post any pics, but it's about 8 inches long, a milky white color and about as big around as a pencil. it has little tiny pectoral fins and his caudal and dorsal fins run the entire length of his body. he burrows under the gravel and i was told that he only eats brine and black worms. he's really cool and i would just like to know what it is so i can do some research. thanks for any info you can give, and sorry for being so vague.
no...i've been looking online for HOURS and i think i've looked almost every kind of freshwater eel and eel-like fish. i should also tell you that his head is the same size around as his body and he has a blunt face. it doesn't have any markings. and his body is kinda translucent.
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