Vorticella in my 2.6 spec

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 21, 2013
hey there, I am looking for anyone who has success treating a full tank for the Vorticella Parasite.

i came into work this morning and found my adults had facial hair.
looked it up, and its apparently Vorticella.

I had brought 4 adults in to put in my 2.6 spec at work - tried to grab all males from my home tank. plus one assassin snail.

after 2 weeks i noticed that one was female, because it was full of eggs.

did a 50% water change 4/1

2 weeks later, i have 3 adults (i never found mama again..:ermm: )
and at least 7-10 babies.

i wanted to do another 50% water change, but i didn't want to yank babes on accident so i pull a cup or two carefully, and add fresh every week.

i test the water friday 4/25, its all happy.
then today..my boys had a face full of white hair. pics and video attached.

im looking to treat SAFELY the whole tank. i have seen some posts on other sites about doing a dip, but with the babes, i cant barely see them to yank them.

this is a 2.6 spec
i am going to do a water change tomorrow, by pulling water through the pump area, should be safe for babies, but i want to treat for this parasite.

please advise.


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I actually just found out it is for sure Scutariella japonica
and not vorticella

anyone have history with this?
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