Walmart Polyfill

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 12, 2019
PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS- 4 of my Orandas got very siick, this was polyfil from Walmart that is used for pillows and childrens stuffed animals its called polyfil and is about 3.74 for a bag. I found out this stuff is recycled and treated with chemicals in the process, maybe safe for pillows but NOT for yoiur aquarium!
Filter Media

PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS- 4 of my Orandas got very siick, this was polyfil from Walmart that is used for pillows and childrens stuffed animals its called polyfil and is about 3.74 for a bag. I found out this stuff is recycled and treated with chemicals in the process, maybe safe for pillows but NOT for yoiur aquarium!

Hello Sandy...

Thanks for that information. This is a good reason to use only products specifically made for aquarium use. I never use a filter that requires filter media in my Goldfish tanks. I use strictly dual sponge filters. They're cheap, efficient and you never need to buy filter media of any kind. Goldfish simply produce too much waste for mechanical filters to run efficiently. We live and learn.

Filter Floss options

PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS- 4 of my Orandas got very siick, this was polyfil from Walmart that is used for pillows and childrens stuffed animals its called polyfil and is about 3.74 for a bag. I found out this stuff is recycled and treated with chemicals in the process, maybe safe for pillows but NOT for yoiur aquarium!

Hi sandyb,

I came across a YouTube video that might prove helpful regarding this issue -

The supplier he has links for in the description of the video seems to have a multitude of possible options that might work better for you. I have never used the supplier myself however I follow this Youtuber for a lot of aquarium info and advice. Hope this helps!
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