Want new fish but what?!?!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 27, 2013
Okay so I have a 20 gallon tank and I currently have 2 goldfish and one minnow. I want another fish but I'm not sure what. I want a smart fish that can somewhat "bond" with me. Don't tell me my tank is too small because my goldfish grow very very slow and eventually I will upgrade. Anyway I want another freshwater fish that gets a long with my goldfish but the minnow not so important. I take great care of my fish and have nursed one of my goldfish from near death back to health twice. So I do not want to get rid of my goldfish but I want something new. Thanks :)
Hmm... How bout Some tetras? Might have to get a bigger breed but they should do fine, Right guys?
Right now nothing else can go in the tank. Two goldfish and a minnow in a 20 is a lot. Only reason is goldfish have huge bioloads and are messy eaters. Maybe when you upgrade you can.
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Also I just realized... Your aquarium is brakish right? And would it change the fact if by goldfish he ment comets?
Also I just realized... Your aquarium is brakish right? And would it change the fact if by goldfish he ment comets?
to my knowledge no. Goldfish are cold water fishes, tetras are tropical. The only tetra like fish that's cold that I know of is the white cloud minnow. But still two goldfish/comets and a minnow is a lot. As far as I know comets are just as messy.
I don't know what your
Asking but thy are not comet goldfish they are fancy
My tank insta dirty though I clean it like once a week
My tank isn't full I'm looking at it now lol. My goldfish stick together close and my minnow doesn't matter because Iight not be keeping him in this tank
Right now nothing else can go in the tank. Two goldfish and a minnow in a 20 is a lot. Only reason is goldfish have huge bioloads and are messy eaters. Maybe when you upgrade you can.

^ That. It doesn't matter what your tank "looks like". There is science involved.
If you wanna get more fish... Go for it because if your unhappy with your tank, do what you want till your happy! Just know whats expected of an additional fish. IMO no more fins just yet.
You asked for advice and opinions, you're getting advice and opinions. But it is always just that, advice and opinions. Take it or leave it. The tank remains yours and you can do what you want. No one is telling you what to do.

my advice is leave it as is. With goldfish, you need to have cold water fish and that limits choices. Also, it doesn't matter how fast or slow a fish grows. They will still outgrow the tank and you should be ready for that and not put anything else in.
But as I said, its your tank. Do what you want.
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As mentioned it doesn't matter how empty the tank may look there are a lot of other things that factor in. Honestly if you are wanting a more full looking tank I would get rid of the goldfish and go a different route. You could do a decent amount of smaller fish like different rasboras or a nice school of tetras with a nice centerpiece fish along with bottom dwellers like some cories. If you get rid of the goldfish there are a ton of options but with the gold fish you wont be able to add anymore fish.
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It would be worth your while to take a look at the pictures in this thread. Properly cared for, fancies grow quite large in a very short amount of time. You honestly can not add additional fish to this tank and should consider upgrading when feasible. There are lots of great deals on Craigslist as well as Petco/Pet Supplies Plus dollar a gallon sales.

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