Was wrong with my fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 9, 2014
I have a fancy goldfish in my 80 litre tank, im a bit worried iv had him over year now.

He spends alot of time at the top of the tank. I dont normally but the tank light on because my room is well lit. But tonigh i decided to but the light on for a few hours as it went dark. I came up to bed to find my goldfish at the top of the tank with what seems to be a blister? Can fish burn from the light ? Or is it becasue he is at the top of the tank. For what i can see he doesnt have his back sticking out of the water and there is a gap between the water and the light of a few inches. I turned the light off immediatly but he is still at the top.

Please help i dont no what to do. :(
Goldfish have huge bioloads and shouldnt be in a 20 gallon, they need big tanks. how often do you do water changes, feed, type of lighting, and do you use a heater?(you shouldnt) what are you using for filtration?
I do a water change atleast once a week. I feed him every morning just asmuch as he can eat within a few minutes. The filter came with the tank it is a moray aqua one 320 ( says this on the box) and the light is built in the hood of the tank i dont really no what the light is but it says on it that its a phillips 36w/865? And no i dont use a heater.

Iv looked this morning and the blister seems to have gone down and he is swimming around. and his fin is up right.
Oh no :( i didnt realise. Ill take a look at the link thanks for your help. Do u think thats whatswrong with him because of the tank size?
Its the tank size and his high bioload, its probably ammonia burn. maybe find a good used tank online, some used filtration and media so itll be seeded and a fast cycle and throw him in a new one once its ready?
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