Water change after medication

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 29, 2015
So I just got done with my treatment for fungus guard, tonight I did a 25% water change of roughly 14 gallons out of a 55 gallon tank I added 1.8 ml of prime a little bit over the recommended dosage gravel vacced 50% of the gravel didn't touch the filter, will be doing another 25% in 2 days, vacuuming the other 50% of the gravel, I'm just curious of how long it will take to clear out the green tent in my tank from the meds, it did dye everything inside the aquarium but i think it actually looks cool especially if i add more plants it will make the Ruins look like they are covered in Algae and been underwater a long time, i did use a different brand bag of carbon, i usually get bio chem sorb which works excellent this is called chemi-pure just wondering if it will be as good if not better as its 5 dollars more a bag so i hope so lol

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Chemi pure is top notch carbon!
Don't be afraid to do multiple water changes on same day if it is possible to do correctly.
I buy my carbon cheap on Ebay from cll pet supplies. 10lbs. for about $20.
Its good quality soft carbon meaning it is more porous. Poor quality carbon is harder, heavier with a metallic color and if dropped kind of sounds metallic. Your LFS usually sell the crappy stuff at high prices. Buy your stuff from Amazon or Ebay. Stores just rip you off with marked up prices. But do support your specialty LFS.
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