Water Change Intervals?

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black hills tj

Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 8, 2007
black hills, south dakota
Hey everyone,

My 29g tank is surprisingly clear for what it is. Some people call it overstocked, but I think it looks nice. I am running an UGF and it does a good job of keeping it clear, but i'm thinking maybe more water changes would help me out.

When I do a water change, I swap about 10-20%, and I usually do them every couple of weeks. My dad also periodically does changes as well. From what I've seen, some people do 2 changes a week. Will this help clear the tank up? My dad and I have been maintencing this tank in this fashion for a couple yars and it seems fine. Will more frequent changes throw off the balance/stability?

Today when I changed I tested my ph and compared it to the ph of the water I was putting in. The tank tested at about 6.5, and the new water tested around 7-7.5. Everything seems pretty stable.

I do 50% water changes a week, and gravel-clean each time. I just finished the 75 gallon the old-fashioned way, with 14 5 gallon buckets hauled. Now it's time for pizza.

What are the other parameters of your water? And you might want to take a piece of airline tubing and vacuum under the UGF plate every coupla weeks.
Regarding the water params....hehe yeah, right...

I actually just ordered an API master test kit earlier today.

I don't have a python yet, then again I'm only moving about 5 gallons of water when I do my changes. I'm not sure about my dad, but I always vac the gravel when i do my changes. Looks like I'll be swapping more water now though.
Good questions. I feel as long as you match temperature and Kh you can change as much as you want as often as you want.
KH is the carbonate hardness of the water. It shows how much buffering ability your water has. Fish seem to be affected by drastic changes, say of more than 1 degree at a time. Let me poke around and see if I can find a good link for you.
Thanks Rich, I'll take a look at it :)

If I changed 5 gal of my 29g today, would it be okay to change another 5 or more tomorrow? I did a pretty thorough change today(really vacced the gravel) and noticed more crap in the substrate than I thought. This is why I want to do another change soon.
Yes, you'll be fine. I don't think you can do too many changes. I do 50 to 75% weekly on my tanks, sometimes twice a week if I feel like it.
I do about a 40% every week and vaccum the gravel every week also. once a month I clean my canister filter. I also havea 29 gallon. Everyone says mine is overstocked too so don't feel bad lol
I do 50% PWC every week (includes gravel vac - oh, and my tank is planted), and I clean all the sponges and change the filter floss on my XP3 every 2 weeks.
For me, it depends on the tank. I've been so busy lately that I've been slacking, but the usual schedule is 50-60% weekly, except on my discus tank- that one gets 50% pwc's every 2-3 days. I have a Python, so it's just as easy for me to change 50% as it is to change 25%, you know?

As far as your tank goes, I know the water looks clear, but I'm interested to know what your test results are once your kit arrives. Also, if you're worried about KH changing since you don't have a KH kit, you can always just do smaller, more frequent changes, like 20-30% 2-3 times per week. I hope you get your new tank set up soon; that really is a lot of fish for one tank.
I change 50% a week and gravel vac, and am planted. For a while I was doing twice a week changes when I had some traceable nitrites (but no ammonia) and now everything is back where it should be.

For as many fish as you have, I have to say the tank does not look crowded in your pics. :)

I'll also be interested to see what your params are when you get your test kit. When I had a tank in my teens, I only tested for pH too, and all the water conditioning I did was to put some Water Rite in at every gravel vac/water change. And everyone lived. 8O
So far, I do 40-50% every other week for my (now) moderately planted tank. I do try to go a little light on the ferts to keep from killing anything. My NO3 levels are usually just off the bottom of the scale (but I use prime, so I'm probably one to two divisions off on that reading w/ an API kit).
rich311k said:
Good questions. I feel as long as you match temperature and Kh you can change as much as you want as often as you want.

I concur....my tanks all get 50%-100% anywhere from once to three times weekly. More water changes mean happier, healthier fish that will grow faster and have better immune response.
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