Waterfaller1's FW Planted Tanks

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 27, 2008
My first fw planted cube set up sept 07
Halfmoon Betta from Thailand~Thai

The 2nd cube was set up a couple weeks later
Cherry and luminous red shrimp

Both cubes share a 48 wt T-5 Nova Extreme


The 4 gallon Finnex
Blue Tiger Shrimp

The new tank, 20 Long, set up about a month ago
10 axelrodi rasboras{4 red/6 blue}
4 Corydoras Habrosus
3 Kuhli loaches
2 hara jerdoni
CRS,blue pearl, and amano shrimp
Olive nerites, red ramshorn
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Hi, thank you! Since I started I have been using Seachem's liquid ferts, and dosing according to their chart. Give or take. I am now wanting to learn about dry ferts. I just set up the 20 gal with my first pressurized CO2 set up. This tank is an upgrade from a 10 gallon I had. I gave it away to a young person just the other day. He was thrilled.:)
very pretty tanks, I love the cubes. That was very nice to give your 10 gal. away to the youngster I hope he will allow you to help him cycle it properly. ( haha)
Thanks Tess! You could tell he was very compassionate, a rare trait it seems with young people.{especially boys} It could not have gone to a nicer person. Since I let a couple fish go, I wanted them to have their own water/bacteria,filter, etc, so resetting it was easy for him.:cool:

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