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...PHOTOSHOPPED!!! Lol no, he is always poking his head out of parts of the ship following me around!

Looking back at the picture it's not the clearest picture I've ever taken but I can assure you it's real, will take a video later on of him! (that's if I can get my 3D CGI software to make it look convincing!! Lol!)
oO BRIGHTY Oo said:
Anybody used this product and if so what kind of results you are getting?!?

Is that marked 17 pounds? Kind of expensive isn't it? There are several ways to suck up nitrates, I am sure this works as Red Sea is a good company. Are your nitrates/phosphates high? I use occasionally use purigen or a poly pad because you can easily regenerate it.
Yea it was £17, it was from an expensive LFS that I had a £25 credit note for but I wouldn't buy fish from there!

I am just starting to see the nitrates creep a lil bit and wanted to stop it! I've currently got Fluval Clearmax in my filter and I can't start using this new stuff till until the clearmax has run its course, I've heard some good things about it taking nitrates right down to less then 5ppm in a week.
oO BRIGHTY Oo said:
Yea it was £17, it was from an expensive LFS that I had a £25 credit note for but I wouldn't buy fish from there!

I am just starting to see the nitrates creep a lil bit and wanted to stop it! I've currently got Fluval Clearmax in my filter and I can't start using this new stuff till until the clearmax has run its course, I've heard some good things about it taking nitrates right down to less then 5ppm in a week.

Almost all of the products listed that reduce nitrates do so. Some can be regenerated and used multiple times saving lots of money. I harvest algae and dispose of it and the nitrates it has bound up. Some grow mangrove trees in their sumps. I like that one, but it would take some room. Otherwise, water exchanges will help keep them down as well.
Ok thank you that's sounds like some good solid advice

Has anyone else got a problem with colonista snails (not sure on spelling!) I've kinda got thousands of the little things!
Anybody used this product and if so what kind of results you are getting?!?

View attachment 70843

I started using NoPoX 3 weeks ago. In that time my trates spiked due to 3 chromis deaths (The older chromis preyed on the newer ones i added). I went from nitrate readings of 35ppm to 3 ppm in those 3 weeks. I really like the product. I'm still dosing now. You must have a skimmer while using this. I found that skimming a bit more on the wet side, to start off with, helped a lot while using NoPoX.
Aquarick thank you for you view on the product, I started dosing yesterday, how much are you dosing daily?
Aquarick thank you for you view on the product, I started dosing yesterday, how much are you dosing daily?

I have LPS and SPS in my tank. The dosing suggestions are on the bottle itself i believe.

I have a 125g + 40g sump. In total I figured i have about 100g of water in my system. I was dosing 3ml/25 gallons since i had more than 10ppm nitrate. So i went with 12ml total dose to start out with. After the nitrates dropped below 10ppm, I started to dose 2ml/25g...or about 8ml total daily for my system. Once my trates drop below 1ppm, i'll dose to 1ml/25g or about 4ml total for my system.

What are your nitrates/phosphates at currently?
I see, well I've got fish only system and was only particularly worried about dropping my nitrate levels drastically, they have crept steadily over the past month to about 38ppm (worrying!) on my last test.

My LFS recommended that I daily dosed 4ml until i see a drop and then start to reduce the dosing, i have a 260 litre tank, what would you recommend?
I see, well I've got fish only system and was only particularly worried about dropping my nitrate levels drastically, they have crept steadily over the past month to about 38ppm (worrying!) on my last test.

My LFS recommended that I daily dosed 4ml until i see a drop and then start to reduce the dosing, i have a 260 litre tank, what would you recommend?

With a 260l tank, you probably have about 200 liters of water (conservative measure). I'd go with 3ml/25g(100liters)...so 6 ml total dose. A total dose of 4ml seems a bit on the low side with your tank size.
Ok, I shall start using 6ml tomorrow and test on Wednesday to mark my progress, fingers crossed for some better results! Thank you very much for your help! Shall keep you posted!
No problem! You'll start to see your skimmer pull out some pretty nasty stuff while using NoPoX. Good luck!
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