Weird color change on anemone

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 6, 2011
Have a big white wormy looking anemone but the white is not so white anymore. It's turning kinda dusty brownish, and ideas? It's still moving around and quite plump...
I've seen it in the shop for three months. It's always been nice and white, just in the last couple weeks it's been browning more and more. Looks weird
That most likely means that the zooxanthellia is multiplying due to more sufficient light. The LFS probably didn't provide it the lighting it needed for the algae to grow, therefore a bleached (white) anemone. Fortunately for you it needs that symbiotic relationship with the zooxanthellia to be healthy. The fact that it is browning means that it is healthier (and happier) than it was at the LFS. You may find that you need to feed less now since it gets most of it's nutrition through symbiosis.
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