weird kind of molly

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 22, 2009
Rhode Island
I bought a male and female white/silver molly the other day and the male is huge. He resembles a molly but his tail fin is longer and less fan shaped and his dorsal fin is HUGE and looks more like a horses mane (grows all down his back like a dwarf gourami and stops where his tail fin starts) and hangs off to the side like a horse. I did a few searches on types of mollies like sailfin etc but none of them come close to looking like him. Is there a breed of molly that has a super long dorsal fin?
selective breeding can produce many different kinds of species. I know long-finned are a commonly sought after it may be some sort of species like that. Whether or not is was on purpose is obviously unclear. You may be witnessing micro evolution!
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