Weird Pleco

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 2, 2014

about 6 months or so ago I bought to Albino Bristlenose Plecos at the store both from the same tank, both the same size. I got one of them for each of my 36g bowfronts.

My first tank has a school of neons and a male betta the pleco I put in there is more of a dark yellow and has gotten to his assumed size not to mention there are quite a few bristles forming on his nose. This tank is also planted.

My second tank has a school of neons a school of rummynose and one large-ish female, blue gourami I've had these guys together for over a year now. However, this pleco it much lighter in color and has stayed tiny he's grown incredibly long, beautiful fins and has white speckles all over his back but he's tiny. Only slightly bigger then when I first bought him.

They both get the same sinking algae wafers and eat them well and they both have an ample piece of driftwood in their tank. The only difference I can think of is the stocking of the tanks and that one is planted one is not...I don't see how either of those would contribute so I was wondering if maybe he's just a different type of pleco all together.
Yes, he's always had the speckles. He resembles the picture just a little less yellow and without the bristles.
As you can see his body is roughly the size of a neon tetra. My other guy is about 31/2 - 4 inches long.
Will he get the bristles like my other guy, I read that females usually don't get as bristly.
You could try mixing some veggies into the little ones diet to see if he grows any.

And veggies in general are good, those guys eat anything.

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