what algae eater eats it off gravel??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 26, 2004
Is there an algae eater that is more prone to eat the algae off gravel than others?

My otos and pleco eat it off glass and big rocks, but the gravel gets a thick carpet and no one touches it :(
You might try a chinese algae eater. Or maybe just more algae eaters. If there isn't enough algae on the glass and rocks, they will have no choice but to eat the 'carpet'. :)

If there isn't enough algae on the glass and rocks, they will have no choice but to eat the 'carpet'.

pkremer has the solution. cut down on feedings and/or do more water changes to decrease the ammount of algae in the tank and they will move on to the substrate.
Well, I think I've figured it out. I'm pretty sure I have cyanobacteria instead of algae. Since no fish eat cyanobacteria and my algae eaters aren't touching the stuff, it makes sense.

Thanks for all your help! :)
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