What and where to get a 10Gallon setup

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2013
Boston, MA
My name is Christina, I'm on a tight budget, but I'm getting sick of my five gallon tank, and looking towards a 10 gallon. I am overwhelmed by all the different companies and opinions and prices. I go to local pet stores and get a different opinion every visit. Any advice?
I'm just looking for a simple tank setup. Basic square tank and the bare essentials with a budget if ideally 40$ or less. I tried craigslist, but find I'm unsure if what I need as far as brands and watts and sizes. Is this going to be Impossible? Fresh water with live plants and the three guppy's I have now to start.

Thanks for the reply.
Someone near me is selling 30 gal with filter system stand and decor for 40$ wish I could get it but roomates don't want me to upgrade but I'm in Ohio
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