what are all of you 75 gal tank people using for lighting?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2005
San Diego Ca
so im getting an acrylic tank but with no hood so I need to get one. I thinking about getting the coralife 48" (2x65w) $118.99 or (4x65) $219.99. My question is...will 1.7 w/gal be sufficiant? Im not to sure what i will be growing or how much and Im new to this whole plant/fish thing.

also, does anyone else have any suggestions as to what kind of lighting I should use?
I use 2xNO GE plant bulbs with 2xNO Eclipse lights for my low/moderate light plants - Java moss, anacharis and cabomba. Only the java moss is doing well :cry: I swear keeping plants is a lot harder than keeping fish!!!
Yikes! When I started my low-light planted tank, I didn't realize that I had 2x32w bulbs 8O Long story there but I upgraded to 2x40w 6,700k bulbs, which put me at the minimum of 1wpg. All the plants are striving with the exception of my bolbitis, which suffered a meltdown initially but is coming back (new shoots growing from rhizome). I've added a sword and it's doing well.

The 4x65 puts you at 3.4wpg, which is best suited for high-light plants, along with CO2 injection.
I would say go with the 4x65w fixture if you plan to use CO2. You will need it if you go beyond 2.5-3 wpg. If you don't plan to get CO2 but may do so at some time in the future the 4x65 may still be a good investment. You can run it at 2x65 until you get CO2 and then increase to full power. Much cheaper than getting another 2x65 fixture.

If you don't plan on using CO2 or growing any high light plants then the 2x65w fixture is perfect. It will give you close to 2 wpg which is perfect for low-medium light plants.
I run 4x55watts, using AHsupply.com MIRO reflectors. 2.93 wpg. I don't have problems making glosso grow as a carpet right on the gravel.

Aside from that, Travis covered everything else that's immediately pertinent to your question.
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