what are these??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 21, 2010
just pulled this rock out of my fuge to put in the dt, whar are these little red things??
Red sea lettuce. They will grow into huge sheets. Very attractive. And good to snack on for tangs. I use to have some. They grew into like foot and a half long sheets. I changed tanks and it all died. Very nice stuff tho
bubble algae.
here is some bubble algae jolopy, found this a few days ago. iv got 2 big balls of it in my tank, i got 2 emerald crabs to eat it but thats not working cause the balls are bigger then the crabs.
Since it is on a rock with xenia and all the xenia I have had doesn't like being in the air long you have a couple of options next time you change your water and siphoning in that area run the tube over it and suck it off hopefully in tact. The other one being when you are changing water take the rock out and place it in the water waste water and take it off there swish it good and put it back in your tank.

Emerald crabs are hit or miss when it comes to bubble algae.
good idea!!!! i guess i might lose one piece of zena,but it not like im gonna run out..
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