what decor for a 10g betta fish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 23, 2003
Just moved my male betta to a 10 gallon tank from a 2.5 gallon. Boy what a difference!

Though right now it's pretty barren in this new tank. All I have is a couple of decor rocks with caves and 2 plastic plants. He seems a little bored.

What else should I start adding to make it more interesting for him to swim around?

One thing I learned is that he likes one of the plastic trees. He likes to rest there. Should I fill it up with lots and lots of plants? Any suggestions on live plants? Should I have a plant to float along the surface?

More caves? Larger rocks? I guess I'd like to simulate the environment he might live in naturally.

Just be creative! Live plants can often be dicey, so I believe the best option is plastic plants. But if you determined for live plants, remember you will need an aquarium light and possible aquarium fertilizer. When I'm aquascaping, I try to make sure the decor dusn't look to low to the ground. If you have height then i believe it looks more appealing. Like a large rock on one side, with smaller rocks cascading down its side and stuff like that. But try not to dominate the tank with rocks or plants, your fish still has to live in it!
All I know of the biotype for betta's, is that they live in dirty, poorly-oxygenated, hot pools in thailand or whatever! Ha! Do that in your tank! Nah, dont!
Hope this helps!
thanks a bunch zephyr ,

I'm gonna try that large rock to the side. I'd like to have live plants but one time I had one(I think it was hornwort) and it seem to pollute the water with all of it's stems floating. How about java fern? Or do I really need a live plant at all?
I have read here that a lot of betta owners get java fern for the bettas. I am considering it also, or maybe a floating plant. But I just have a 5.5 gallon tank, which may be kinda small for live plants. A java fern would fill up some of the room in your 10 gallon nicely. A live plant would be pretty, but I guess you don't really need a live plant. Plants help remove some contaminants, but just one fish, you're not overstocked or overwhelming your filter. So...I guess it's ok if you try a java fern, and also ok if you don't! But I'd like to caution you about plastic plants with bettas. Their long, flowing fins may become snagged on plastic plants. I put a nice plastic anacharis plant in my tank, and my crown tail betta had a vertical tear the whole way down his bottom, stomach fin. It was completely split in half. (yes, I know I need to learn the names of fins!) I have a bunch of silk plants in my tank now. My betta loves to sit on them, and snuggle up right in them!
From what I understand, java ferns are pretty easy to maintain. I'm thinking of making it my 1st venture in to "real" plants, when I set up my betta tank (i've been saying that for months now!).

Silk plants are also very nice, and even some of the soft plastics will work well. Don't ever have to worry about maintenance, and some of them are really nice looking.

You can show your betta his reflection in a mirror...he'll flare as if it were another fish, and you can also try to feed him live food (if you have it available)...just a couple of ways to keep your fish entertained (although I'm sure he's happy enough to just have a nice big tank to live in!)
Just wanted to add, I also have used silk plants with my bettas. My brand new 7 gallon tank I added 1 silk plant and then some cave looking thing with some silk plants coming out of it. It's really neat and my new Betta seems to love it (but again, coming from a small, small bowl into a huge tank has gotta be nice already :wink: ). Like Antiasg said, sometimes I catch my betta also laying on his silk plant. It seems too that he really likes something that he can "hide" in too at times so a "hiding hole" of some sort might be nice.
Many people really like java fern, but i haven't had good experiences with it. I find that suspended particles in the water will catch in it, and they contaminate the water when they build up. So i found myself often removing it from the tank and cleaning it. so i eventually threw it out. i agree with An t-iasg, java fern would be a good selection. It is easy to keep, wont grow too large, and is also nice looking. May I also suggest Anubias Nana. It is a very attractive, broad leafed plant, that is hardy and a perfect size for a ten gallon. many people will suggest wiseria, but IMO it is rather 'ratty' looking, and makes your tank look less pleasing.
hope thats helpful in the s;lightest
Not sure if males could pull it with their long fins... But the substrate in my betta bowl is made of pond stones. One of my females loves to crawl her way down into them and sleep. It is amazing how tight of a squeeze she makes. They also love the plastic cup that I cut open and floated in there. A great place to rest and hide away near the surface, though it might not look too good to the eye.
My betta loves live plants! I had both in my tank (he started in a 1/2 gallon bowl w/one plastic plant) and he did not go anywhere near the plastic plants once live were put in! I catch him hanging upside down in the live plants! He has some caves too, but he would much rather hide in the plants. I would definately reccomend a live plant or two if you could manage it. And my betta LOVES live brine shrimp. I have a hard time getting him to eat his betta bites if he's been given live brine in the last week.

Of course, it is true... every fish is unique! Try a few things and let us know what he likes! Post some pics if you can! (I know, I need to as well!)

Betta Tank Decor

I have many Bettas (male & female). They seem to get bored unless I give them some playmates and LOTS of coverage (I prefer silk plants). Females get along with each other, as well as neon tetras, dwarf frogs, snails and ghost shrimp (or anything that is not a fin-nipper). Males also get along with these varieties, but NOT with each other. I have a 10g with 1 male, 4 females, 3 frogs, 1 snail. Another 5g with 1 male, 3 Neon Tetras, 1 snail. They are quite curious & intelligent fish & like to watch the other fish and explore. They also do fine if you want to have a semi-heavily stocked tank because they do not produce much waste & will breathe on the surface of the water, just be sure to completely cycle your tank before adding more fish. Hope this helps!

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