What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mumma.of.two said:
'I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them Sam I Am.'

Not on a boat, not with a goat
Not in a park, not in the dark
I will not eat them Sam I Am I will not eat green eggs and ham!!

Today I'll be picking up where I left off a few days ago. Finally gonna set up the other 3 tanks in my breeding room since I finally got more black spray paint. Gotta wash sand and make some filters.

Then it's water change time for 5 tanks.
Changed the colour gravel.

And also managed to clug up the plug hole.
Much to my mothers displeausre :(

But the new gravel looks great and look forward to getting my 100 litre tank up and running with fish soon after it has cycled.

My little fish tank looks fab with some tetras and a bossy pleco :D
Spent about three hours changing the water, trimming and re-arranging plants (with my wife's help!).
Walter's tank have a water changed and I've found my two shrimps I thought were eaten by Walter - they're gone to a big tank now!
Convict2161 said:
Not on a boat, not with a goat
Not in a park, not in the dark
I will not eat them Sam I Am I will not eat green eggs and ham!!


Have you ever tried one fish two fish red fish blue fish?
Thursday I emptied my entire 55 gal and refilled it. I had feeder goldfish that had all died after 3 days of buying them. After letting it run for 24 hours I went to the store yesterday and bought 5 rummy nosed tetras. I had previously seeded the first filter and last night I seeded the second smaller filter. I've been getting readings of 0-0-20 for about a week now, but thought I'd seed the second filter just to make sure I wouldn't get any kind of spikes.
NOTHING! Last night, however, I broke down my 30 gallon tank, my 5 gallon tank, and my 1.5 gallon tank and moved them all to my new place, then cleaned them up with a razor blade, found spots for them, and got them all set up again. Now, to watch for the dreaded mini cycles...
I did a water change in my 8g betta tank.. did some "musical chairs" with a few fish. and bought a gallon size bag of java fern for $20. plant is healthy.. leaves are smaller than I want but its all pretty well intact .. down fall--- its covered in duckweed :/ I will be doing a lot of rinsing before it goes into my tank

I fed my betta some bloodworms, and I also fed my rummy nose tetras some bloodworms. The. I added a sword plant, some ludwigia palustrus and an unknown to the 55 gal. Now I'm off to the plant thread to get the unknown identified!
50% water change for my 20g and 120g today. I almost bought 2 new puffers today. Thank goodness my will power is strong enough to get me out of the store.
75% water change on my 55. Took out all my rocks. They made my pH too high. It's so pitiful now. Going to get sand tomorrow.
Bearchumjs said:
75% water change on my 55. Took out all my rocks. They made my pH too high. It's so pitiful now. Going to get sand tomorrow.

Rocks make Ph high? How did you determine that? Or is that something I've missed due to being new at this hobby? Lol my Ph is high too but I don't stress too much about it cuz everything else is on par..
smomus said:
Rocks make Ph high? How did you determine that? Or is that something I've missed due to being new at this hobby? Lol my Ph is high too but I don't stress too much about it cuz everything else is on par..

Yeah. I guess some kinds of rocks can raise pH. I had gotten rocks from the river nearby. I'm going to soak them in water for a week and then test that water to verify that is what was raising my pH. I'm new to this too. I just learned that today actually. Rocks can raise pH, driftwood will lower pH. I didn't worry about my pH until every fish I put in the tank died. I have 3 left. The only thing that could be killing them is pH. All my other parameters are testing perfect. The fish show no signs of disease. It has to be high pH. Hopefully my last 3 survive!
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