What do you feed your Corydoras?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2003
Texas USA
What do you feed your Corydoras? I feed mine Algae Tablets and whatever leftover blood worms or brine shrimp on the gravel. I don't think they are getting much food since the Angelfish eat most of the blood worms and brine shrimp.
Mine get algae disks and shrimp pellets. They also eat flakes and blackworms that fall from feeding everyone else.
SINKING food - but anything that sinks !!

basically i feed my top dwellers (white clouds, angels, danios) with flakes -
if they miss anything - the cories will eat it.

But I also throw in a few sinking pellets to ensure everyone gets some food (cories, bristlenose, black ghost)
Mine eat all the leftovers of course. They particularly like spirulina sinking pellets and every other day or so i drop them one tablet of Tetra Min's "The Rich Mix" right before i turn the light off for the night. That one is specifically for them and i'm sure they are the only ones who eat it.
mostly leftover flakes from the guppies (their tankmates) leftover bloodworms.

i put a little piece of zucchini in there, but there doesn't seem to be much interest.
Same stuff I feed all my other fish. Flakes, frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, freeze dried krill, freeze dried tubifex, New Life Spectrum sinking wafers, NLS small fish pellets, NLS community pellets, spirulina pellets, shrimp pellets, and the snail food I get from here http://home.mchsi.com/~masts/feed_bag.htm
I feed algae wafers and peas. They will occasionally get some flake, but the hatchets and tetras generally don't let ANYTHING go below the surface of the water.
Corys are nocturnal, so if you put the food in after the light goes out, they will surely sniff it out. Otherwise, the angels will hog everything...greedy little pigs that they are!

I feed my corys sinking wafers, shrimp pellets, and boiled fresh veggies like string beans, carrot slices, and crushed peas.

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