What do you keep with your Harlequins?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 24, 2008
Washington State
What other species do you keep with your harlequin rasboras? I have done lots of research online now im looking for "real" life ideas so I can make my final decision

At the moment they are just a school of 5 in a 20g.
HOWEVER - I will be setting up and cycling a 55gallon for them
(thus upping their school to a better number)

thanks in advice for your ideas!
i keep cardinal tetras, neons, black neons gold x=ray tetras diamond tetras emerald tetras and a few more with school of 8 rasboras and pair of angelfish they all get along good
thanks guys! so diverse! you have all been a great help and helped me expand my options a bit further! Do you all have live plants in with them or fakes? What is your water chemistry like?
They look great in a planted tank but it is not a necessity. They do enjoy some cover so plants either fake or real would make them more comfortable.
I have mine in with a few fakes right now.. My fiance doesn't really want me to spend a ton of money on another planted set up (just got done with my 55 and am thinking its time for c02)
So I was thinking massive fake plants, rel drift wood, dark substrate.. sound good? and maybe some live floating plants, my water lettuce is doing spectacuar

Oh PS Im asking a ton of questions cause i am moving them to a 55 gallon tank and out of a 20gallon once its set up and cycled
the ones i used to have had fake plants and did fine the plants were real live like they werent real stiff and scratchy i suggest you do the same to make the fish more confy good luck.
haha, I couldn't follow that last post. My feeble mind requires punctuation to aid in reading

The harlequin rasboras i used to have had fake plants in their tank. they did fine. The fake plants i had were real life like they werent real stiff or scratchy. i suggest you get some fake plants more like that. So your fish are comfortable.
There you go fixed my mistakes. Good luck.
I love the mix of harlequins and a large 'herd' of corys (5 to 7), in that the corys are total busy-bodies that are all over the tank in a funny 'let's check that out over there, guys!' kind of way. It's a nice mix with the more fragile, nervous and dignified-seeming behaviour of the harlequins.

thanks! i will keep y'all posted and maybe pics. first we are going to crawl under the house and make sure the joists are the right way for the tanks we already have, if not we will be re arranging them first (should have done that before I had 2400lbs of water and gravel weight in my house..) then we are going to pick the spot.. can't make up our minds!
My HR's (a pair who will soon have new schooling members when the LFS gets a new group in) share a 30 long with 7 neons, 5 rummy nose, 4 zebras and several cory cats. The HR's out navigate the zebras around the tank and I'm excited to add to their number. The all commune at feeding time really well. A 50 gal rated HOB and a large java fern cluster for water treatment.
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