what does Nitrate and phospate do for the plants?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 13, 2003
Glendale, Arizona
will the plants just grow faster? Because i have kent's nitrate and phopate, i added this stuff like 3 weeks ago and i got tons of algea as a result. Now i'm scared to add it again. Any suggestions on how much i should put it my tank?
Well, first you need to know what your existing levels of those nutrients are.

From Rex's FAQ at the top of this forum:

Suggested levels are:
Nitrates 5-10 ppm, Phosphates 0.5-1.0 ppm, Iron 0.1-0.3 ppm, and Potassium 10-20 ppm.

If your tank already has these levels, then the extra nitrate and phosphate will just go to feed algae, as you have found out. Do you have tests for these? If not, get them. If so, what are your levels?, we'll try to help.
i do have the kits, and everytime i test it, the nitrate levels are almost 0 and the phopates are always at .1

After i dose the tank, how long should i wait until i test the tank again, so i'll know if i dosed the right amount?
On Rex's FAQ there is a link to Chuck Gadd's nutrient calculator. Alot of folks dry dose food grade nitrates (and very, very carefully) phosphates as the phosphates will turn a tank into "algae central" if over dosed... in nothing flat. I think the nutrient calculator (which you can download free) might help you figure this stuff out along with the info on the Kent's product. I've heard as a rule, better under dose than over. You can always add more later, but its hard to get it out if too much, short of a big water changes... And you can test in a couple of hours or less I would think.
I'd wait 2 full hours before testing after dosing.

You don't mention how much light you have. Without strong lighting, you probably won't have to dose very much or very often. However if you have 3+ watts per gallon of power compacts, you'll likely be dosing 3-5 times a week.
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