What filter do i buy

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 19, 2013
Hi, I have a love fish panorama 64l tank from pets at home and have Goldie's in. I am confused about the filter side of it though. The filter in it is a foam that is in a slot that goes into the filter box. There is also another foam that slots in behind it but in the middle of the foam it has carbon media. I have to replace this soon and have been looking about the internet to see if I can find something suitable but can't. Do you know of anything I can buy that will fit it?
How many and what kind of goldies? That isn't quite a 17 gallon tank which is much too small for goldies. Goldies produce copious amounts of waste and ammonia and need very good filtration. I'm not familiar with that tank but if the filter came with it I image it's way too small. Sorry I can't help you with where to find what your looking for.
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