What fish can i put with my tiger barbs?

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Well don't add anything else that's being not responsible and not intelligent at all just saying
Don't get anything for your 10. You really need to rehome everything in your 10 gallon. none of the fish mentioned in this thread or in your tank right now are suitable for it.

I know that josh but its a little too late for that. I cant return the sharbs or the sucker fish they need to stay in the 10 gal till i get my 90 gallon
I know that josh but its a little too late for that. I cant return the sharbs or the sucker fish they need to stay in the 10 gal till i get my 90 gallon

Oops, Josh is right - min. tank size is 30 gal I have for these. Well I guess the good news is you can seed the filter for 90 from the 10 when you get it? Keen to know how they go.
What fish can i put with my tiger sharbs?

Uhmm I didn't say to flush them I said dont add anything else did you read my post?
Yeah i read your post
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Second don't getting anymore fish till you upgrade. As for keeping tiger barbs in a species only tank is rubbish. You just need a big enough tank and a big school of barbs. I got a dozen in 75 g and they are model citizens. Got a community with many dif species. They are awesome in a large school
I agree nothing else until you get the big tank and then get some more tiger barbs that way they will keep the picking between each other. That is the main issue with them they aren't in big enough tanks or schools so they will start to pick at the other fish to establish the pecking order even if they aren't in the school let alone in the same species. Nobody ever said they were smart! LOL!
Barbs do not belong in a 10G. Nor would I add to it.
I probably wouldn't add anything either, but I would be worried about bullying between them. I'm not suggesting this, but isn't it just a trade off between space and school size? I know TBs do better in larger schools to establish a pecking order. And 3 TBs in a 10G will NOT last long. I don't care who you are, we can all agree on that.
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