What fish for 12 gallon planted~~~

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 4, 2013
Would this setup of fish be okay for a 12 gallonPlanted tank? 5 dwarf corys
1 dwarf gourami
2 platys( not messy)
1 vampire shrimp
6 cherry shrimp
5 celestial pearl danios
I looked on aq advisor and they said its good
I don't have anything to say about the sticking list but platys not being messy? I have over 50 platys here and man to they ever poop! I swear every time I look at a platy they always have poop coming out at that moment. Lol
I have a dwarf gourami, and it ignored my rcs... In fact just a couple days ago there was one right in his face and he just turned the other way. It depends in the individual, but I think you Gould do it if you want.
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