what gal tank for first tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2005
San Diego Ca
hey, well im new to this whole fish thing...never raised a fish in my life but I think it is now time....so...what size tank do all of you recomend? the biggest I can hold is a standard 75 gal. I would like the tank to be planted enventually...or imediatly...I really don't know. so, I was wondering if someone could help me out as to what tank, filter, heater and all of that stuff.
Well in my opinion it would be better to have a bigger tank to start with. You have more space for fish and easier to take care of. But it depends on how much you re willing to spend. It would also be able to start a planted tank as it will help the quality of your water. Hope this helps and if you have anymore questions just post and il try and help you out.
I recommend for the first time fish keeper to get the largest tank that they can find in a pre packaged set up, that they have room for. Usually a 55 gallon. You can find these set up's everywhere. Including Wal-Mart!
Buying a pre packaged set up insures that you have all of the necessities to begin with (ie. heater, filter etc.). These are usually on the lower end of the quality scale, but if you find that fish are for you, then you can always upgrade those components later. And if you find that fish keeping is not a hobby for you, then you are not out a lot of money.
I recommend the largest that you can get away wit because too many people start with a 10 gallon and either find that the fish that they have purchased either get to big and you have to buy another tank for them, leading to MTS. Or they find that smaller tanks are harder to maintain and get frustrated to the point of throwing in the hobby.
I am glad to see that you came here to AA to learn a little before running out and getting in over your head.
Welcome to AA!
Fluval 404 Canister Filter
go with a 55 or 75 gallon
heater i have no info for you
use 2watt per gallon rule for your lights.
if you are going to do plants get a substrate for plants like florite, eco-complete, etc
master test kit now, when you get the kit, put some when in a galloon bucket or container, let it set for 24 hour and test ph, nh4 , no3 and no2 and post your finding
Well in my opinion it would be better to have a bigger tank to start with. You have more space for fish and easier to take care of
I agree,
Mainly as u have more room for trial or error
just remember to do things, like chemicals, ph etc in small doses and work ur way up... until u find the perfect balance for ur individual requirements..
All the best
wal-mart kit tank suck, sorrry for language but they do, i am working on changing all my stuff on my 10g walmart kit tank filter, light, heater.
yea, Im pretty sure im going to get into the aquarium sceene so I might as well spend the pennies now and not have to do it twice. I want good stuff but not really the best you know?

I think my main questions are:
1. What kind of filter? (type, brand)
2. What kind of heater? (brand)
3. what kind of hood and what bulbs?
4. will I need an under rock filter?
dont get a udner rock filter
get a Fluval 404 Canister Filter about 100+ online at www.drsfostersmith.com
heater depeends on tank size
hood and bulbs go with the 2watts per gallon rule and see if the hold will get you the watts you need. i made that mistake on my 1st 2 tank. not doing that again with my 65g i am getting this friday.
well i have a Whisper Submersible Heater and it works really well and its nice causeyou can hide it behind things you have in your aquarium
well thats why you check the heater first for defects before you keep it !!
ive had mine for a year and nothings happened and let me tell you that i moved my aquarium from place to place and ive had no problems but its your choice snipes287 im just trying to recommend a product and hey zilla870 have you ever had one of these??
If you are sure, then spend the money. But look at what you are spending...
Fluval 404 Filter, 340GPH (Hagen) $114.99
Rena Cal Excel 200W Heater $21.49
48" Flora Sun Max Plant Growth FL-48 (x 2 for the 2 watt per gallon for plants) $12.69 x 2
75 Gallon 48x18x21 $129.99
And that's not counting the fish. The Wal-Mart setups are not the greatest. But it's a way to get into the hobby without spending a lot. And if it makes you feel better, you can get the same set ups at most major pet stores instead of Wal-Mart.
so does that price of the tank come with the hood that I can put the lights in? or do I need to buy a hood ontop of it all?

sorry im so ignerant, ive been reading stuff for the last three days straight and I just need some stuff cleared up.

Thanks a bunch for everyone that is helping me
1. What kind of filter? (type, brand)

I prefer the Cascade brand. They are very easy to set up (about 10 to 15 minutes and that was with me, a complete newbie to filters, setting it up), flexible, and the tubes are hidden easily. I have a Cascade 1000 and 1200. The 1000 would be adequate for your tank. You can never overfilter a tank. There can be too much current, but the Cascade can be positioned to cut down current.

2. What kind of heater? (brand)

Visi-therm is a great brand. The Visi-Therm stealth is pretty much a favorite around here in addition to the titanium ones.

3. what kind of hood and what bulbs?

Your tank should come with a hood. Most lfs will sell a kit that comes with the hood and lights and heater and filter. And most places will let you substitute products. For example, my 55 came with an el chepo filter. I replaced it with a H.O.T. Magnum for $5. And the lighting should be about 2 Watts per gal. There are many threads right now in the General Discussion forum on lighting, you should check those out.

4. will I need an under rock filter?

I beg of you, please don't use an UGF. I know, for some people they are GREAT filters, but they are harder to deal with and when you take it out, you have a big mess. PLUS, if you want to do a planted tank, you shouldn't have an UGF.

You should get an Aquarium Pharmacuticals Master Test Kit for Freshwater Tanks. They are VERY good. I would get a couple nets. We have 4 ranging in size from 3 inches to 12 inches. And then a brine shrimp net.

For a 75 gal tank, I would recommend getting a python for gravel vacs. They hook directly up to your faucet and make water changes VERY easy. No buckets or sucking on the end of the tube.

No question is a dumb question on AA. That's what we're here for. :D

Yes UGF can be hard to have on planted tanks because of the roots that plants have and i think you dont really need them but its your decision
i just dont like Submersible Heater like i said you may have it for 2 years and then a leak forms, buzzz, there go your fish. or water slowly rots the cord, buzzz.
hey zilla870 have you ever had one of these??
from redflame
well thanks, ive only had mine for a year but now i dont feel too safe with it you know ? Well i'll probably change it in a while
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