What hard times did Aquarium Advice guide you through?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 31, 2003
Houston, Texas
Hey everyone. I know that this site and its members has helped many of you get started, as well as saved others. This forum is definitely worthy of some praise. So, tell us what difficulties/disasters were you having and how did Aquarium Advice come to the rescue?

For me personally, Aquarium Advice paved the way from my FW to SW conversion, and helped answer alot of questions, saving me time, money, and effort. Thanks to all of you for being the best resource that I have found anywhere.
Well Let's See....Hmmm....hmmmm...the best way to describe all the help I have got is to think of AA as an aquarium dictionary, and say they have helped me from A to Z!! :wink:
This is a great thread, I am going to move it to the Lounge so everyone can join in :D

AA helped me most through the unhealthy fish forum. I would have given up on my pleco (forget even knowing what it was infected with) and I had a "shoulder to cry on" while I was dealing with some ill Badis badis.
You guys held my cyber hand during my terribly sick goldfish problem which really meant a lot to me. You put up with my questions that I turn around and answer myself or find a way to reword and ask again (hehe I don't realize I do it until later). You have helped me to enjoy fish keeping and know the do's and don't's

I love this site so much and I don't think my fish (or my MTS) would be around if it weren't for all of you!
In every way, the hobby would be too frustrating otherwise! I've tried to keep fish before, and failed miserably (yes, even worse than my last crash). This site helps me get back on my feet and willing to try again!
I like to think AA hasn't helped me through any hard times, but has certainly helped my fish through some ;)
I like to think AA hasn't helped me through any hard times, but has certainly helped my fish through some ;)
Let's just say that when I came to AA.com, I was like....I have to change the aquarium water? I have to test for what? A cycle? Why can't I dump a million chemicals in my tank instead of water changes??

Now...I am none of those things, and then some!

Thanks AA! :kiss:
Not only has AA helped me set-up and maintain new tanks.....it has(the members) helped me to stay calm in the not so serious situations :wink: (like I can stay calm...just ask the fiance)

Before this site I knew nothing about fish or aquariums....Thanks to all who have helped and to all that will help in the future.
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