What is going on in my tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 29, 2017
I have a 30 gallon I believe tank that has a silver female Molly, a black male Molly and a mystery snail. My Molly had fry about 2 weeks ago. Something went wrong in my tank and my ratings went off the charts. I noticed when all my babies died within a few hours. I was able to save my two adults, my snail and one baby. I don't remember the numbers anymore but I ended up doing probably about a 75 % water change and cleaned the tank well. Treated my water and put everyone back in. I did notice my black Molly seemed to get poked by something but I can't find out exactly what. He had a white area on his side a day or so later but it seems to be clearing up but he's still kind of lethargic. I also noticed my silver has a bump on her lip but she seems to be acting normal. Tonight when I got home I noticed this weird fuzz stuff growing in the tank. I plan on doing a good cleaning tomorrow but figured I might see if anyone knows what it is.


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+1 on decaying food. I have seen the same thing in my tank while I had a few pieces of food that I missed when I was vacuuming.
Pshew that I can deal with! Thank you! I was hoping it wasn't anything serious again . I had never seen this before and Google always tells you it's the end of the world! Lol this tank is stressing me out. I hate losing fish. I swear this is the hardest tank set up I've ever had!
Not a problem at all. What kind of setup do you have going on? Hopefully we can help you keep the losses to a bare minimum. Don't hesitate to post up any questions in the future.
Decaying food is a sure ammonia hit. Try cutting how much you feed in half. It's amazing how little food fish actually need.
Wishin4warm - I'm wondering how everything worked out for you? I have had a tank for about 18 months and recently it has been a death trap despite perfect parameters.

I came across this thread because I have those white fuzz spots, too, which I had never had before my fish started dying. You also mentioned a white spot - which I had seen on one of my tetras. Did the rest of your fish do okay without treatmetn?
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