What is wrong with my tank!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 4, 2003
I don't know what is going on but I've been having so many problems with my tank lately. First a few of my leathers starting sliding downhill which may have been caused by a recent nudibranch explosion. A few days ago I got a few pieces of ricordia that fell of rocks for sale, I netted them to a rock using new pantyhose. When I removed the pantyhose to see if they were attached they had dissolved into snot. So I figured maybe there was something in the pany hose that did this. Yesterday I got an awesome red and a awesome green mushroom. I used other netting from a fish net and today the red on is dissolving from the inside out. How am I killing mushrooms, aren't they supposed to be one of the easiest corals to keep??

Why am I having so many probelms!? I slowly acclimate everything usually dripping it. As of last night
Amonia/nitrie 0
Nitrate <5
Alk/Ca 2.75/375 which are both a little low but I can't seem to raise them no matter how much kalk and 2 part addiative I add
Mg 1250 which I've slowly been raising with Epson salt.

I"m not buying anything else for a long long time until I can figure out what is going on. It seems the more I try and the more effort I put into my tank the more problems I have :evil:
It is unfortunate, the two issues are probably unrelated, but perhaps you might try a new method for attatching the shrooms and ricordeas.
super glue or just they them go around the tnak till they find a place they like and stay there. then move them that is what i do.
WarOrks15 said:
super glue or just they them go around the tnak till they find a place they like and stay there. then move them that is what i do.

I tried superglue on them before but they wre too slimy and I couldn't get them to stick. How did you go about doing this?
well i used the duro superglue and you have to do it out of the water. let it fully dry and then set it back in the water. but wateing for it to dry is only like 1 min max
If you are having that much of a problem with your chemical issues, I would change salt. You should NOT be having to use additives. You might want to try the oceanic salt. Many people on this list would vouch for the fact that the water chemistry is great right out of the bucket.

As far as the shrooms go, you do have a good bit of light, maybe they were unhappy due to that. I personally, have never had good luck using pantyhose type materials to anchor corals, there is not enough water flow through them and mine did the same thing you are mentioning. you might want to try stabbing them with a toothpick and jabbing the toothpick into a rock crevice. that works great for me.
I have very little luck with super glue/gel and shrooms. Leathers and zoos do great but not shrooms. I used a speciman box with holes drilled in it to attach my last batch. The glue held 2 out of 3. You have to get them in almost no flow for the glue to hold long enouth for them to attach themselves.

Good luck.
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