what the heck is this

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 9, 2009
saw this green pod looking thing mixed with my zoas.... any clues?


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Does it move? Maybe a bi-valve...? It's hard to tell.
Not sure what it is, but thought I should mention in case you don't know yet, but zoanthids contain a potent neurotoxin and to *some* folks, it can be a serious issue. Google "palytoxin zoanthids" and you find a bunch of articles.

While I've gotten a little more laid back with my use of gloves in my tank, whenever I handle zoanthids, latex gloves are a mandatory thing for me. Just figured I should mentioned that in case you didn't know it.
it doesn't move, it is hard too, and it kidna opened up almost like a clam and when i touched it it closed so ur prob righta bout bivalve
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