What time of coral is this?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 14, 2009
Oklahoma a few block away from O.U
my LFS said it was an aropora but I havent been able to find a picture of a matching acropra so, I am asking the pro's. The pictureis the best Icould et without disturbing it. It has a think skeleton that looks like a tree branch but seems to expand and looks very fluffy. It has small pinkish tentacles all over it and it glows green under the acinic lights. Any ideas?


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Difficult to see in that picture. Will Probably have to get something a little closer before people can get you an ID.
its close but no its not that...it is reallypuffy almost like cotton candy, but when i move it or touch it it draws up and looks likt a tree branch.. ill see if I can move it to the front of the tank and get a picture, it seems to like the fast/moderate water flow but hopefully itwill expand in the low flow area so i can get a better picture
I cant tell still what it is. I`m bumping this up. Any of you ID experts got a clue?
Thanks for looking out for me, lol I have no idea either, it was free so i took it lol it is dong well and has actually grown a bit since I first got it, my LFS said it was an acropora but ive googled and ask.com'd and looked through a lot of books and I have never seen an acropora like that...
Can you get a closer pic with and without polyp extension, please?
Here's an old pic of a piece I had.

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Hydnopora. ccCapt is right. Here is one that I got 6 months ago, its on the right. I had a black sponge on it at that time too. Not anymore.


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wrong picture on the last reply, sorry.


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