What to feed Ropefish???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 25, 2012
Reno, NV
I got a ropefish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus) about 2 weeks ago and he doesnt seem to want to eat anything besides live nightcrawlers. I've tried bloodworms live and freeze dried, krill, freeze dried baby shrimp, cichlid pellets, sinking carnivore pellets and even some crawfish pellets that my bichirs seem to love but he is not interested at all. I make sure to put it right in front of his face and try during the day as well as at night. I want to make sure he has a mixed diet so does anyone has any suggestions on what I should try? or would just feeding him worms be okay?

he is in a 55g tank
temp: 78-80
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 15
PH: 7.8

and he is housed with 2 senegal bichirs 4" and 7" and 5 Cichlids all 3-4"
Ropefish can be tough. I have had very little luck with them. The one that I had would eat shrimp pellets when he could get to them. The bichirs often ate pellets before he could. Worms are actually very nutritious. I would not have any issues only feeding him those as long as you know he is eating.
I have birchirs which are in the same family. When it was small i would feed it ghost shrimp or cut up goldfish frozen shrimps i even fed it fish scraps from fish fillets from the grocery store. If you go in to the grocer you can get them to sell you the fish scraps for only pennies! Than you keep it frozen in small chunks and take out what you need.
I have also fed them frozen bloodworms, live earthworms, and tetra carnivore pellets i break them in half so they sink right away.
Yea Im just going to continue feeding him the worms until I find something else he will eat, thanks for the reply's
The only thing mine will eat is shrimp pellets i find myself having to throw in extra to make sure he gets one, my loaches/bumblebee syndonis are pigs!
The only thing mine will eat is shrimp pellets i find myself having to throw in extra to make sure he gets one, my loaches/bumblebee syndonis are pigs!

You ever tried earthworms they seem to love it! Its kinda gross to cut them up but it works so i guess that's worth it. Some aquarists breed their own earthworms just for their fish in big rubber maid bins! Ick but i guess its really cheap for them to feed their fish
I cut up a nightcrawler every other day into small bite size pieces its pretty messy but its the only thing my ropefish will eat

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