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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2006
ok i started my heat therapy in my tank june 28th when should i start taking the temperature back down? Am thinking of getting more fish what fish should i get i have a 10 gallon no neons or gup :usa pies
Do you have any fish in it yet? Why did you do heat therapy? Just wondering...

In a 10g you are limited on options for fish. I'd go with 6 harlequin rasboras, a betta, and a couple ottos. That's what I have in my 10g. If you don't like that, then how about 6 lemon tetras and a dwarf gourami?
i had ick in my tank and lost all of my fishies its a fishless cycle right now to
Aww...I'm sorry. Well, you can drop the temp down now...and you don't have to do it slow, since you don't have any fishies in there. Just set it until it stays around 76F or whatever your normal temp was. Then you can slowly stock the tank.

Did you like any of my fish suggestions?
Fishless cycle so you do have an amonia source right? I agree with Just20 because there are no fish for the ich to host so it is most likely gone, it wouldn't hurt to keep it high just a little while more. Your choice
lovefishies said:
its a fishless cycle right now to

Have you been adding fish food or ammonia daily to keep the tank cycled ? I thought you still had two fish (catfish, I believe) in the tank.
my husband didnt want them so when i went to work he did something with them dont know what? so i dont have any fish in the tank
Ok so you are cycling it with ammonia then. I wasn't sure. How much longer do you have in the cycle? What are your water parameters?
Lovefishies - if you haven't been adding food every day or ammonia then you're not really doing a "fishless cycle" and all your good bacteria will have died, so its going to be like starting from scratch. Which means you can only add one little fish every week or every other week. If you add more than that at a time then they will get ammonia poisoning and can die unless you change the water every day.
It's a common method to keep the temps up for an additional two weeks after ich spots are no longer visible on the fish. This is to kill the remaining ich that have become cysts and live in the substrate until they hatch out. Since the last fish were just removed recently, I'd keep the heat up for at least another week...this will not harm your cycle at all, just make sure you have surface agitation.

I'm curious as well to what you are using as an ammonia source. Members have asked this question a couple of times and you haven't mentioned it.
lovefishies said:
my husband didnt want them so when i went to work he did something with them dont know what? so i dont have any fish in the tank

I'm not sure what's weirder -- that your husband is secretly disposing of your fish while you're at work, or the fact that you never even bothered to ask what he did with them.
ok just checked the tank and my nitrates are 0 and the ammonia is now 1.0 how long should i wait to get any fish? and what should i get for algae eaters
When the ammonia is zero and the nitrites are zero and you have a nitrate reading, then you can start restocking.
I'd hold off on algae eaters until you get the other fish and the tank is completely cycled. The best algae eater for small tanks IMO is ottos. They can be pretty sensitive to water quality and do better in planted tanks. Or you can get some snails...they do a pretty good job of eating algae.
ok my ammonia is 0 and my nitrites is 0 should i change some of the water then add my fish or should i wait to do that
test your nitrates - you want them to be 20ppm or less. Change as much water as you need in order to do that. For example, if you nitrates are 40ppm you want to change at least 50% of the water. Don't forget to add dechlorinator to the new water.
Congrats on finishing the cycle. Let us know what fish you decided to get.

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