What type of fish?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 9, 2016
So I bought some fish from a woman who had no tike for taking care of her tank but i dont know what they are, can some one help me?1485002001720.jpg1485002012049.jpg
The red fish looks like a platy, the others look like gold barbs, and pencil fish, or possibly black neons. To me anyway, but I don't keep any of them. Hopefully someone can give you a positive ID.
The red fish is definitely a Red Platy ( probably male) and the gold ones are definitely Gold Barbs. The other fish I believe are flying fox. (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterum) Google search that Latin name and you should get some better pics to compare yours with. (y)
Well those gray/black fishes are SAE.
The red ones are verry small, almost 1/3 of a balloon molly.
Well those gray/black fishes are SAE.
The red ones are verry small, almost 1/3 of a balloon molly.
I only saw 1 red fish so if there are more, the sex was based on that one fish in your first post.
As for the other fish this comes from a google search:
The flying fox is a Southeast Asian species of freshwater fish in the Cyprinidae family. It is commonly seen in the aquarium trade. Among others, it is known to eat green algae. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Siamese algae eater. Wikipedia
Yep flying fox, Thanks! But are u guys sure those red ones are platy's? They are so small only like 1 cm and i got 5 of them, and if they are are they good to put in my 25l nano tank?
Yea i have them both but the platy's are like 1 cm big, will they stay this size?
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