What would you put in a 29gal?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2003
McKinney, Tx
My 29gal is still empty and therefore I should stock it!

Anyways.. I can't come up with anything neat to put in it (considering my other two tanks have neat fish that I like already)

What would you put in a 29gal tank that isn't:
serpae tetras
RTB Shark

Ha, that norrows it down, now doesn't it? Also, im not sure I want to go the Cichlid route anymore... so yah.
Just toss your ideas out there!
If you use Macrobrachium shrimps you can't add any fish, since they are scavengers and will try to hunt your fishes and eat them :cry: .

But yeah, some Caridina shrimps, e.g. Amano shrimps, Red Crystal, Red Fire, Bee Shrimp etc., etc. Maybe some Endlers? They are nearly exstinguished from the wild and you could help the nature by obtaining some pure ones from a hobby breeder :wink: . Otherwise maybe some Rainbowfish, or killifish?
Ooops, forgot about the tank size. I'm not sure if the last two will work out with the tank size, but most of the killies are quite small :? .
Some kind of FW or BW puffer tank?

Figure eights, Targets, topaz puffers.... species only of course.

Not sure how many you could keep together...
I read an article from this site about a guy who setup and bridge from two of his smaller aquarium using acylic and pvc
It would have to be a very long bridge because one is in the kitchen and the other is in the bedroom

As much as I love puffers, I don't think I want to go that route again with this tank. Maybe another time

I'm kinda liking the green tiger barbs
The green tiger barbs do look nice, I have one remaining from the original batch I bought. It schools with my regular tigers. They are extremely active fish and interesting to watch.

I know you said no cichlids, but what about a pair of firemouths or some shell dwellers? :mrgreen:
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