what's a sea monkey?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 7, 2004
Rochester NY
my friend brought them up the other day and asked what they really were and i had no idea. are they a form of shrimp? how are they freeze dried but still alive? just curious :)
I believe they are brine shrimp. Your question about being freeze dried but still alive, I assume you mean the eggs? I don't know how they process the eggs to keep them viable.
The eggs are sold as part of the kit and they hatch when added to the water with the "special" sea monkey mixture (aka salt).
Sea Monkeys are magical little beings discovered in the 1950's...they are worshipped by millions of people world-wide...really.


Needless to say, I was crushed when my father (after what seemed like years of badgering to get me Sea Monkeys), handed this little 5 year-old one of the bags of live Artemia we regularly fed our tropical fish....and I discovered that they were not miniature, naked, web-footed little people whose lives I could run. :cry:
HA!~ I too had to have sea monkeys so that is could watch the activities of thier whole family! Little did I know they were almost as exciting as watching paint dry! :roll:
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