what's considered a high lighted tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 13, 2003
Glendale, Arizona
is 3wpg a high lighted tank or medium high? Because i want to grow some Stelattas in my tank.

it's the ones on the middle of the tank. BTW is you guys know what kind of plants are those on the foreground tell me.

anyway, i've read that stelattas are one of the hardest plants to grow, they require a lot of lighting and CO2. Do you think i can grow them in my tank? 50gal 3wpg DIY co2 Flourite substarte and the liquid ferts are on there way [i just ordered them 4 days ago.]

One more, what kind of plants are these
I have wondered about this myself, but I think high light would be 4wpg. If you look at Takashi Amano's tanks that is generally the lighting he uses. I can't view the images, apparently due to my dial-up connection, so I can't help you with the ID.

That being said, I would personally go ahead and try it. I have not grown them so someone else can pipe up here and tell me it is hopeless, but if you do not have to spend a bunch of money it is worth a try. What is your CO2 ppm?
i dunno, when i didn't put the diy co2, my ph was like 7.8 and the kh was 7 and then after i put the co2, the ph went to 7 and the kh to 6. I think these plants are rare also. But theres a bunch of auctions at aquabid.com
Well if you can keep your CO2 pretty steady (possibly running 2 bottles and swapping out the brew weekly) so you don't have dips that create pH fluctuations then I would try it.
High light on a 10 gallon tank is around 5-6 wpg. High light on a 120 gallon would be 3 wpg. So as you can see it really depends on the size of the tank and the type and quality of the lighting and reflectors come into play here also.
I have 2 lights both of them are all-glass aquarium and they have the built in reflectors. One of them has 3 llight fixtures and the other one has only 1 40watt light. do you think my tank is high light?
I don't think the reflectors in those light strips are particularly good, but I am not positive about it. I am assuming these are not the best available, so there is probably some light that is not getting to the plants. I have had 3wpg on my 55 and did not consider that to be particularly high light.

It does not really matter, however, what you call the light you have, it matters how your plants grow and how well you provide the nutrients they need without growing algae. Give it a try!
TankGirl said:
I can't view the images, apparently due to my dial-up connection, so I can't help you with the ID.

The person who owns those pictures doesn't want their bandwidth sucked down by other's and thus you can't view the images so it isn't your connection.

Surprisingly my "high light" Rosanervig Polysperma are growing in 2wpg on a 29 Gallon tank and I even have nice deep red leafs on the upper 25% of the plants (they were green in the store but are turning redder slowly).
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