What's wrong with my Fancy Goldfish?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
StressZyme is for breaking down waste build up in an aquarium. You still need to do regular large water changes (including gravel vacuuming) to keep the inhabitants healthy. It is a supplement to your maintenance, not a replacement for it. StressCoat is a water conditioner that also helps protect the fishes slime coat.
50Litres is small for goldfish they have a big bioload so are dirty fish. change water regularly 2weeks is too long without a water change. I would do every 7 days at the least, you could do smaller water changes more regularly say 25%. Small feeds and you should be ok. Try a natural tonic like Melafix which doses a whole load of common fungus and bacterial infections, see if that helps. Its about 8pound from any petshop
Rehome the Pleco, they are poop machines and also need much larger tanks.

Just deal with your older GF. Get the Common out, they should not be mixed with Fancies.

If nothing else, you can get a large sturdy plastic bin for your two older GF. Better than a tiny tank. Please Stop adding fish.

You never mentioned Ammonia ? That is the main fish killer.

Remember, Common GF can live YEARS. Over 20. Fancies can live over 15 YEARS with good care.

GF get Big. If they can't grow they become stunted and don't live as long or as happily.


Sorry to lecture, I've worked in LFSs and I've helped customers keep their GF healthy and happy. One customer has a 17yo Fancy. She is in a 75g by herself as her 16yo friend died.

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I'm not re homing fish that my parents have spent so much money on. Sorry but if you look back & read the whole thread you'll see that I've said the fish are staying put until I get a bigger tank. Yes, I know it's selfish but this is where my teenage girl side comes in & they've spent their whole lives in this tank. When I can, I'm getting a 300L tank for them so if we can please stop commenting on this thread because we found a solution days ago & it's meant to be about a sick goldfish, not what size tank they're in.
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Katie, what everybody is trying to tell you is that they are sick BECAUSE they are in WAY too small a tank. This is what happens. You came here asking for help and you got it. I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear, but that doesn't make it any less factual. Getting mad and snapping at people won't change the truth and it won't help your fish. I really and truly feel for you. Your little goldfish is precious and that's why I tried to help. So it could live.
It's not my fault I inherited the tank with the fish in it. I'm fed up of everyone pushing me down & treating me like a child with a new toy. I asked for no responses, so when I figure out how to delete threads that's what I'm doing with this one.
This is a fish forumn, people on here take their fish very seriously, when you ask why your goldfish arnt thriving in a tiny tank??? What types of responses would you expect?? Everything I've read in this thread seems spot on, same advice that would be offered to anyone in your position.. Adult and kid alike.. It takes a mature individual to make the right decision, what's best for the pet , not the owner..
I take my fish seriously too. Just because I'm nearly 16 doesn't mean I'm not dedicated to them. I'm doing a diploma in Fishkeeping next year which I'm spending a lot of money on which does prove I am serious about them.

Look, I apologise to all of you for losing my temper but that's something I do often & it cannot be helped so people posting on my threads need to be aware of that. I know you meant it in the best way, but I take offence very easily & I don't react very well when I feel like my skills as a fish keeper are being insulted & judged by a bunch of people I don't know. To be honest I do feel like I've been attacked & I'm being ordered around by a whole load of strangers saying "rehome them, this is cruel, you're being selfish, it's no wonder they're ill". I saw a thread the other day made by the owners of this site (or I'm guessing they're the owners) saying about how newcomers have stopped posting or commenting as much because they feel attacked, just like how I said with the "rehome them etc..." But we're going to put that behind us because we're all mature & we are not going to say another word on the subject.

I understand my 4 goldfish are in too small a tank & I will be saving up money for a bigger one AS SOON AS I get a job after I've finished my GCSEs In June. So in theory all four of my little ones will only have to be in this tank for 6 more months maximum.

So if we could all accept my apology & put this messy situation behind us that would be greatly appreciated. I would just like to say I never apologise to people so I hope you all feel very privileged & blessed ;)
At least rehome the pleco. Even a 300 litre tank will be to small for it when it gets full grown.
Please stop, I've apologised, I've said what's happening. I'm asking you nicely to stop telling me what to do about my fish. Thank you. I'd really appreciate it if no one made any more comments
Look, I apologise to all of you for losing my temper but that's something I do often & it cannot be helped so people posting on my threads need to be aware of that.

If you cannot control your temper, maybe you ought not post here. Not a single person in this thread behaved in any of the ways you're accusing them.
I'm wondering if you did get the water test kit and got a result for ammonia?

Also if the treatment is making any differance?
I haven't got a test for ammonia & yes Squeak has made an improvement since we started the medicine

No worries, that does sound good news. Well done I think for looking to save up for a larger tank. I must confess to being a tank gear addict but totally agree that the rest can come later, go as large as you can on the tank. Large water changes of 50% weekly and oversized filters are all I can think of in the mean time. Good luck with them. Ammonia would be a useful test but sometimes you can find a lfs that will do it for free. How are your filters set up now?

Melafix I'm starting to have some grudging respect for. I'm not quite convinced that water changes won't do the same thing but successful treatments seem to be getting done using it in part. More importantly I think it is not getting fish losses which I've noted can happen with some stronger meds.
It might be best to rehome! Or give them to someone's pond. Goldfish are actually very active as long as they have enough space. 13 gallons?! 0.o that's very little space, if I was you I'd try convincing the rents' for an upgrade:) you can find space we all have.
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